Cu catifeaua la Bruxelles

Vaclav Klaus tot face afrimații de-a dreptul nedemne pentru un președinte de țară membră a Uniunii Europene. Articolul său din WSJ echivalează cu aplicarea unui grafitti pe zidul Europei: „Euro = Fail”.

Constructul european nu și-a ținut promisiunile și va fi foarte greu de menținut în stadiul actual. Analiza domniei sale este interesantă, iar cel mai interesant este că Vaclav Klaus se tot gândește la o ultimă soluție, tot de catifea.

Europe will have to decide whether to centralize itself politically as well. Europeans don’t want that because they know (or at least feel) that it would be to the detriment of liberty and prosperity. There is, however, a real danger that the politicians will do it anyway—behind the backs of those who elected them. And this is what bothers me most. The recent dealings in EU headquarters in Brussels—literally behind closed doors—about the aid package for Greece demonstrated that there is no democracy there. The German-French tandem made the decision on behalf of the rest of the euro-zone countries, and I am afraid this will continue.

It is evident that the euro—the European single currency—and the currently proposed measures to save the euro do not represent any “salvation” for the European economy. In the long run, it can be saved only by a radical restructuring of the European economic and social system. My country had a velvet revolution and made a radical transformation of its political, economic and social structures. Fifteen years ago, I sometimes joked that after entering the EU we should start a velvet revolution there as well. Unfortunately, this ceases to be a joke now.

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Tudor Gherasim Smirna

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