Colapsul politic din țările arabe aflate în sfera de influență a Statelor Unite se aseamănă cu dominoul țărilor socialiste din Europa de Est din 1989. Cât de implicat este Washingtonul în declașarea acestor evenimente în cascadă nu putem ști, la fel cum nu putem ști cât de implicată a fost Moscova acum 21 de ani. Unii spun că mișcările au fost planificate strategic în secret, și atunci, și acum.
Alții, notorii în România, plusează, punând revoluțiile arabe de acum pe seama cu totul altei interferențe decât s-ar putea intui.
Însă, dacă istoria de acum două decenii ar fi să se repete, atunci căderea „provinciilor” anticipează căderea „imperiului”. Lew Rockwell, comentând despre Libia, exact asta speră:
One of the great shocks that has greeted Americans this year has been to discover, perhaps for the first time, that the US has long been running its own bloc of satellite dictatorships in many parts of the world. Just as the Soviet Union had its “captive nations,” so too the US has its own collection of valiant allies who are as wicked and oppressive toward their own peoples as the communist dictators of old.
Americans discovered this only recently due to the massive wave of protests all over the Arab world. Libya is one example. But there is also Egypt and Tunisia, plus Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, and Morocco, Djibouti, and other states, perhaps Saudi Arabia and the UAE too. In each case, a government in the pay and control of the US is facing a population sick of the human rights violations, the oppression, the economic backwardness, the injustice and the attacks on free speech and freedom of movement.
There is a tendency in the US to chalk the entire revolution up to a kind of anti-Americanism or to Muslim fundamentalism, though there is precious little evidence of that at all. If you listen to the speeches and hear the voices of the young, what you hear are the ideas of 1776. It is the language of universal human rights – the very American creed.
The bitter irony for most Americans is the very discovery that our own government has long presided over a collection of client states so cruel and closed that people have no choice but to pour out into the streets en masse, risking life and limb to get rid of pharaoh.
It is a fact: these people hate the tyrants. It is also a fact that these are “our” tyrants. The very existence exposes the gross hypocrisy of US foreign policy.
God bless these protesters. They are losing their chains. They are changing the Arab world – and the whole globe – by destabilizing and overthrowing the dictators. They are not only doing it without US help. They are doing it despite US support for the dictators they oppose. As such, these revolutions can mean more than the overthrow of despots; they can end in overthrowing the despotic policy and empire headquartered in Washington, DC. Want to join me in the streets?
Ron Paul cheamă la încetarea militarismului și a intervențiilor străine: