Mises: «The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it...
…because they’re inherently short-sighted, of course. It’s all part of the Govt Socialism + Lies vs. Natural Freedom + Truth overall alternative, and the economic side of the issue is masterfully summarized by Peter Schiff, again:
…on ever bigger Ponzi-schemes, a.k.a. “the Third Bush Term”: Note that Occultism, War, etc., are archaic ammunition in the ‘worst on top’ political contest…Can anyone guess why the specifically ‘democratic’ hoax is ever-bigger-time legalized...
With an economic preface by Peter Schiff:
«The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as “global quantitative easing” by printing billions of dollars worth of a global “super-currency” in an unprecedented new effort to address...
“If the credit expansion is not stopped in time, the boom turns into the crack-up boom; the flight into real values begins, and the whole monetary system founders.” (Mises) Înapoi la țară – de la profețiile ortodoxe la previziunile unor...
In this (2008) year’s index, Hong Kong retains the highest rating for economic freedom, 8.94 out of 10, followed by Singapore.
Europa a rescris legile energiei Pachetul legislativ menit să reducă emisiile de carbon cu 20% în următorii 12 ani a fost votat în unanimitate de reprezentanții celor 27 de țări membre. La doi ani de la formularea lor, măsurile menite să reducă...
Russian court seizure of independent Orthodox churches threatens Russia’s future, activists say 17 Feb 2009 Paul Goble VIENNA, February 16 – A Russian court has confiscated 13 churches belonging to the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, a...
…Deci, cînd acel război [al răucredinciosului împărat Valens (364-378)], care prigonea și surpa Biserica lui Hristos pretutindeni, a venit în Alexandria și cu porunca eparhului voiau să prindă pe Sfîntul Atanasie, fericitul acesta a ieșit în...
…acolo unde intr-adevar exista si ia amploare: It appears that hackers are destroying ALL the Russian “dissident sites” within Russia. It CANNOT be a coincidence that this is occurring during the Patriarchal elections. … In a...
…dupa sezoanele pentru caini si copii, regimul Basescu (re)deschide mult-asteptatul sezon de vanatoare si livestock branding pentru adulti. Sensibilitatile religioase reactioneaza: Este vremea muceniciei! Luptați până la capăt! Nu vă temeți...