…pe intelesul regimurilor Bush & Co.:
«If you went only a hundred steps further on from parliament, you could see every day—and usually more often—a carriage drawn by two horses drive out of the Hofburg. In it sat the old Emperor and his equally elderly adjutant, and they would set out for Schönbrunn at an easy trot, always at the same hour, and always down the same street. There was no security escort ahead of or behind the carriage, no policeman sat in the vehicle itself; any assassin would have had an easy job. But nobody took the opportunity…The leaders of our modern great empires are driven rapidly in bullet-proof cars, protected by countless bodyguards. Aristotle thus defined the difference between a monarch and a tyrant: the monarch protects his people, the tyrant has to protect himself from them» (Felix Somary, The Raven of Zurich: The Memoirs of Felix Somary, London, Hurst &Co., 1960, p. 11, citat de J. G. Hülsmann, in Mises: The Last Knight of Liberalism, p.51).
(A se vedea si eseul profesorului Hoppe referitor la rolul intelectualilor in ecuatie.)