Moneda sanatoasa (aurul) va renaste, in ciuda proscrierii sale politice

Moneda sanatoasa (aurul) va renaste, in ciuda proscrierii sale politice

…din cenusa holocaustului inflationist provocat de mafia etatist-bancara si de tradarea “intelectualilor” & “economistilor”, aflati pe statul de plata al exploatatorilor:

Flight to gold as investors lose faith in money

… last week’s jump to $869 looks tame. Yet gold is undoubtedly flashing warning signs…

“The central banks are flooding the market with paper,” Peter Hambro of Peter Hambro Mining, said. “Does anybody now take the dollar, the euro or the pound seriously? People are turning to gold because it is the only hard store of value,” he said…

…In the Middle Ages gold fetched nearly $3,000 an ounce in real terms. The price fell to nearer $550 when Spain flooded the world with Aztec and Inca riches, and there it hovered for three centuries.

But the modern era has been an aberration. Supply is exhausted. Perhaps we should now regard the Middle Ages as the proper benchmark price. One thing is certain: gold will outperform paper as long as governments keep increasing the global money supply 15 per cent a year.

[Pentru o privire de ansamblu pe intelesul tuturor asupra problemei trebuie consultat Rothbard, Ce le-a facut statul banilor nostri, recenzat la]

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Scris de
Dan Cristian Comănescu

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