Liberalism colectivist de pașoptist, bănci centrale cu mâța-n sac, Wilhelm Tell pe finanțe și Big Brother hard/soft

Liberalism colectivist de pașoptist, bănci centrale cu mâța-n sac, Wilhelm Tell pe finanțe și Big Brother hard/soft

Mihail Radu Solcan despre Vederile liberalilor români potrivit lui Regnault

Așa cum spuneam, cartea lui Regnault surprinde o schemă mentală. Tabloul mentalității noi (la 1848) coincide însă surprinzător cu ceea ce avea să fie mentalitatea după care vor fi modelate ulterior legislația românească, manualele de istorie, clișeele presei ș.a.m.d. Centrală este noțiunea de libertate colectivă și importanța crucială a patriotismului. Unele accente, precum acelea legate de idealizarea țăranului, le putem recunoaște cu ușurință în cultura română. Figura țăranului este atât cea a omului cel mai nedreptățit, dar și cea a celui de care se leagă speranțele națiunii. Națiunea, la rândul ei, este definită de istorie și limbă, de o istorie cu rădăcini vechi, la Roma. Mari pericole pândesc națiunea; aici accentele puse de Regnault sunt iar plauzibile: Rusia este pericolul principal, dar și includerea Transilvaniei în Ungaria. Regnault oglindește, în fond, și un reflex de închidere în fața influențelor din jur și de deschidere către influențele venite din Franța.

Cristian Păun despre țintirea inflației

Creșterea generalizată a prețurilor nu poate fi țintită în nici un fel (aceasta fiind practic incalculabilă). Inflația calculată prin indicele prețurilor de consum este o aproximare mai mult sau mai puțin exactă a realității de consum. De multe ori, țintind această aproximare poți risca să te îndepărtezi de situația reală. În aceste condiții țintirea inflației devine o chestiune de noroc fiind, în același timp, și o chestiune strict politică cu prea puțină relevanță pentru indivizi și pentru societate în ansamblul său. În acest caz, banca centrală nu face decât să ne inducă iluzia că poate face mai mult decât poate face în realitate.

Toby Baxendale: Why Even the Best Banks are Insolvent and Inherently Dishonest

So unlike BP and any commercial business from the lowest one man band plumber to the mighty BP, who have to account for keeping payments set aside to cover their current liabilities, a bank is not required to. Indeed, it is specifically allowed not to by accounting law and legal privilege under law. If the deposit base of Barclays wanted what it thought was “its” money back i.e. it wanted the £322 billion redeemed into cash or taken out of the bank and moved to another, then as there is no corresponding current asset to pay for this and only assets that have long term payment implications, it would have to suspend redemptions as North Rock did and hope people would wait until it could try to sell some of its long term assets or collect in its loans. In reality, this would be a run on a bank. Barclays by its very nature is inherently insolvent and can only exist by this accounting / legal privilege that does not apply to any other non bank business in the UK!

Just to give you an idea what this would mean for me in my company Seafood Holdings Ltd if I was allowed to do what the banks are allowed to do. As of December 2009, I had trade current creditors of £8.276m against trade debtors of £12.275m. If I was a bank, I could pick up the full £8.276m and pay a dividend or bonus and still be lawful. I could build a megalomaniac size corporate head office and stick a gold plated statue with me dressed in a Roman Caesar like uniform to please my demented ego! I could behave like the worst most vulgar of City bankers.

We must always remember their key service other than the safe keeping of our money is to act as an intermediary between saver and borrower. This is “Captain Mannering” style boring banking. Like and estate agent who mediates between buyer and seller of houses, he has a High Street presence like most providing a consumer service. Places like the City of London / Canary Wharf and Wall Street etc can only exist as they do today on this legal privilege and on the welfare state of credit whereby we allow them to exist at the tax payers’ expense.

Is There Gold in Fort Knox?

The reason Fort Knox will remain a mighty fortress, however, may come down to something Alan Greenspan once told Paul. When Paul asked the former Fed Chairman why the Fed hangs onto its hefty gold reserves, “Greenspan said ‘just in case we need it,’” says Paul. “You hold onto it because it’s the ultimate in money.”

Markets spooked as Greek rescue plan crumbles

Mr Peruzzi said the IMF route is fraught with danger, even if it looks tempting in the short-run. “It completely undermines the credibility of monetary union. It would show that EMU is not viable because it lacks the fiscal means to absorb shocks. If they can’t help out a small country like Greece, its not worth going on with the project. That is what is worrying the markets,” he said.

He said Italy and several other states are quietly willing to go along with an IMF solution because it spares them the extra burden of raising fresh debt to help pay for a standby fund. “They don’t want to disburse any cash of their own. This is definitely on their minds,” he said.

Germany appears to have deeper objections to an EU bail-out, fearing that it would be the first step towards EU fiscal union and shared responsibility for debts, leaving German tax payers on the hook for over €3 trillion in Club Med debts. The concerns appear to be shared by Finland and the Netherlands, which have both backed recourse to the IMF.

O idee bună, dar perfectibilă: The William Tell Initiative: For When the Swiss Have Had Enough

Switzerland is a proud and prosperous nation with political and economic freedoms envied by liberty loving people around the world but these freedoms are feared by corrupt politicians and governments as an example of good government. I’m proposing a political initiative which would send a clear message to the political elites of outside nations to leave Switzerland alone and let the people and government of Switzerland decide their future without threats and blackmail. Outside foreign leaders would do well to get their own collapsing economic houses in order before giving advise or threatening the people or nation of Switzerland.

Switzerland has said no before to the politically correct foreign politicians who threaten and attempt to coerce Switzerland through their right of initiative and referendum. Now I’m not suggesting shooting arrows at politicians like William Tell but rather at the wealth these foreign governments are trying to steal. For example, the initiative should offer every foreign account holder in Switzerland who can prove their funds came from legal activities the right to ask for financial asylum in Switzerland in a procedure similar to the process for Switzerland’s political asylum program.

În Coreea de Nord se trăiește ca în orwellianul 1984. Big Brother-ul local l-a demascat și executat pe Goldstein-ul din fruntea Ministerului Iubirii Monetare. Poporul înfuriat de haosul revaluării monedei naționale are acum un chip spre care să-și verse ura: Pak Nam Gi.

North Korea Executes Official After Currency Grab Sparks Unrest

Pak Nam Gi, who was fired earlier this year from his post as Workers’ Party head of finance and planning, was shot to death in Pyongyang for intentionally harming the country’s economy, Yonhap News reported, citing people it didn’t identify. Free North Korea Radio, run by North Korean defectors in Seoul, yesterday reported widespread rumors of the execution.

The reported execution is the latest sign of efforts by Kim Jong Il’s government to appease the country’s people after the currency revaluation fueled inflation, worsened shortages of goods and food, and decimated savings. Premier Kim Yong Il made a rare public apology after the currency was devalued between Nov. 30 and Dec. 6, and the sum that could be exchanged for new notes was capped, according to Seoul-based rights groups including Good Friends.

Între timp lumea noastră democratică se vede „minunat” în lumina chioară a becurilor pe stil nou. Răzvan Exarhu ne deslușește scrisul mic de pe contractul social ecologist: Te omor dacă nu mă lași să te salvez

Așa cum și fumătorii vor ajunge un fel de sectanți, ca și cititorii de cărți sau ziare tipărite, poate că și amatorii de becuri pe stil vechi vor trebui să se retragă în rezervații. … E păcat că Uniunea Europeană nu încurajează țăranii să producă redbull și becuri de casă, făcute cum se făceau în vremurile bune, cu wolfram din curte, curat, proaspăt smuls și făcut filament de bunicii care astfel se pot reintegra social și economic în noua debandadă mondială. … Dar sună cel puțin comic, dacă nu tragic, să ajungi să trafichezi becuri în plină libertate și etcetera, ca în vremurile de aur ale dictaturii. Poate că asta e ultima stație a rafinamentului, să practici gesturi normale, cu aerul unei conspirații, pentru care oricare vecin s-ar putea îndreptățit să cheme poliția. E mișto, de fapt. Miliția te putea lua pentru că nu-ți tundeai părul în comunism, poliția vine să te înhațe în elvețianism pentru că nu-ți tunzi gazonul.

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Tudor Gherasim Smirna

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