Un articol plin de linkuri și grafice relevante argumentează că măsurătorile folosite în mod convențional pentru diagnosticarea problemelor economice situează Statele Unite înspre lumea a treia.
How the U.S. Will Become a 3rd World Country
Peisajul este unul dezolant. Vedem cum din ce în ce mai mulți americani îngroașă rândurile asistaților, șomerilor și săracilor. Îndatorarea excesivă, alimentată de inflație, își caută soluția în și mai multă inflație. Veniturile și averile sunt din ce în ce mai polarizate, iar taxele sunt făcute doar pentru cei mici, în timp ce clasa privilegiaților prosperă.
The interdependence of elected officials and the largest U.S. corporations reached a new high with the 2008 bank bailouts. The influence of private corporations and de facto industrial cartels (comprising the largest corporations in each major industry) over tax and regulatory policies creates significant economic distortions that ultimately compromise the sustainability and the stability of the economy. Ideally, the government would be an impartial referee, rather than an active business partner that overwhelmingly favors large businesses over small businesses, despite the fact that small businesses account for the vast majority of American jobs.
The United States increasingly resembles a 3rd world country in terms of unemployment, lack of economic opportunity, falling wages, growing poverty and concentration of wealth, government debt, corporate influence over government and weakening rule of law.
Federal Reserve monetary policies and federal government economic, regulatory and tax policies seem to favor the largest banks and corporations over the interests of small businesses or of the general population. The potential elimination of the middle class could reshape the socioeconomic strata of American society in the image of a 3rd world country.
It seems only a matter of time before the devolution of the United States becomes more visible. As the U.S. economy continues to decline, public health, nutrition and education, as well as the country’s infrastructure, will visibly deteriorate. There is little evidence of political will or leadership for fundamental reforms.
Inflația dolarului și îndatorarea SUA a tras după ea inflația în yuan și expansiunea creditului artificial în China, unde se așteaptă deznodământul tipic: von Mises’ crack-up boom.
China, 2012 and Von Mises’ Crack-Up Boom
The correlation between the rise of China’s GDP and the rise of the Dow is unmistakable. It’s also the reason why China’s growth is unsustainable. China’s rapid growth was fueled by the unprecedented expansion of the US money supply—an expansion directly responsible for America’s exploding appetite for consumer goods from China and the US dot.com stock market bubble in the 1990s.
The crackup boom will end as von Mises predicts in monetary disarray, i.e. the debasement of currencies and possible hyperinflation where paper money loses all value. Today, money is no longer a store of value. It’s a trap for the unsuspecting that has already been sprung.
The 300 year viral spread of the banker’s fraudulent paper money is best explained by Gresham’s Law wherein bad money drives out good. But the global success of the banker’s debt-based money has led to its own undoing; for when there’s no good money left, only bad remains.
In 1971, after which gold no longer backed the bankers’ now fiat money, the growth of credit and debt became exponential. Today, they are reaching their limits. Tomorrow, those limits will be exceeded.
Pe un asemenea fundal se poate înțelege miza candidaturii lui Ron Paul și importanța ideilor pe care le răspândește.