Praxeology of War. A Mises Evening with Matthew McCaffrey

Praxeology of War. A Mises Evening with Matthew McCaffrey


We invite you on Monday, the 6th of January, 2014, to start the year with a conference of the Mises Evenings cycle. The event will be held at our usual venue: Ceai la Vlaicu, Aurel Vlaicu 47, starting at 7 pm.

We are honored to have as our guest Professor Matthew McCaffrey from the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the University of Illinois at Springfield.

Matthew McCaffrey is a promising Austrian scholar, fresh from his PhD studies under Professor J.G. Hülsmann, with a thesis on „The Political Economy of Moral Hazard”. He has published numerous academic materials and he is co-editor with Joseph Salerno of the forthcoming The Murray Rothbard Reader. See his academic work here. See his archive here.

Ludwig von Mises writes that catallactics, the theory of cooperation and price formation, is the most developed part of praxeology, the theory of human action. But praxeology is a broader field of study than catallactics. Our guest will talk about extending praxeology and economic reasoning to new fields such as warfare and military strategy. The discussion will consider how ancient classics such as Sun Tzu’s Art of War can serve as inspiration for contemporary thinking about conflict, strategy, and the economic organization of warfare.

The entrance is free. RSVP on facebook.


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